“ఎ వాక్ టు రికవరీ”

రవి * బాధపడుతూ ఉండేవాడు . కొంతకాలం క్రితం అతని తల్లి మోకాలికి శస్త్రచికిత్స జరిగింది. కాని ఆమె చాలా నెమ్మదిగా కోలుకుంటు ఉండేది. అతని తల్లి ఆపరేషన్ చేయించుకోవటానికి సంకోచించింది, కాని రవి తన తల్లి శస్త్ర చికిత్స తరువాత మరింత చురుకుగా ఉంటుంది , బయటకి వెళ్లి జీవితాన్ని ఆస్వాదించగలదు అని భావించి ఆమెను బలవంతం చేసాడు. కానీ పాపం, ఆపరేషన్ జరిగి 6 నెలలు గడిచినా అతని తల్లి తన ఇంటి నుండి బయటికి వెళ్లలేక పోయేది . కొంతకాలం తర్వాత, ఫిజియోథెరపీ సెషన్లు కూడా ఆగిపోయాయి. రవి తల్లి బరువు పెరగడం ప్రారంభించింది.

1. ఆమె బరువు పెరుగుతున్నందున ఆమె వ్యాయామం చేయలేకపోయింది.

2. ఆమె వ్యాయామం చేయలేకపోవడంతో ఆమె బరువు పెరిగింది.

ఇలా సమస్య మరింత జటిలం అయింది.

ఆమె ఒంటరిగా నివసించినప్పటికి, స్నేహితులు మరియు బంధువులు ఆమెను సందర్శిస్తూ ఉండేవారు. ప్రతి సారి తామే ఎందుకు వెళ్లి కలవాలని భావించి కొంతకాలం తరువాత కలవడం మానేశారు. దానితో ఆమె మరింత ఏకాంతంగా జీవించడం ప్రారంభమైంది . తన అభిప్రాయం ప్రకారం రవి తాను చేయగలిగినది చేసాడు . అతను ఒక వాకరును కూడా కొనుగోలు చేశాడు, అది అతని తల్లి తిరగటానికి ఉపయోగించుకోవచ్చు. అది ఒక ప్రామాణిక వాకర్, అందరికి అందుబాటులో ఉండేది మరియు తెలిసినది.

అయితే, దీని తరువాత కూడా అతని తల్లి కోలుకోవడానికి ఆసక్తి చూపలేదు. అతను ఫోన్లో ఎప్పుడు అడిగినా, ఆమె ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నట్లు ఆమె సమాధానం ఇస్తుండేది , కానీ ఆమె స్వరం క్రమేపీ మరింత నిరుత్సాహపడుటున్నట్టు ఉండేది . అతని సోదరి శ్వేత * తల్లిని సందర్శించడానికి వెళ్ళినప్పుడు, శ్వేత రవితో అతని తల్లి బయటకు వెళ్లకపోవడానికి నాలుగు కారణాలు ఉన్నాయని పేర్కొంది.

1. వాకరు చాలా స్థూలంగా, భారీగా ఉంది. వాకరు వాడటానికి ఆమెకు ఎవరి సహాయమైన అవసరం ఉండటం.
2. వాకరుతో ఆమె అప్పుడే ఆసుపత్రి నుండి డిశ్చార్జ్ అయ్యి వచ్చినట్లు ఉండిక్ అని బంధువులు అనడం.
3. కొంత దూరం నడిసాక ఆమె అలసిపోయేది – దానితో ఆమె కుర్చొవటానికి ఇంటికి తీసుకువెళ్లమని ఆమె అడిగేది.
4. వాకరు వాడుతుండటంతో జనాలు ఆమె పట్ల జాలిగా చూడటం ఆమెను బాధించింది. ఈ సమస్య శ్వేతని ఆలోచించేలా చేసింది. తేలికైన, ఎక్కడికైన తీసుకువెళ్లటానికి సులభమైన మరియు అవసరమైనప్పుడు సీటుగా మారగల వాకర్ ఉందా అని ఆమె అంతర్జాలంలో ( ఇంటర్నెట్) వెతికింది . ఆమెకి పరిష్కారం ఇక్కడ దొరికింది.

ఆమె తల్లి అలసిపోయినప్పుడు ఈ వాకరు సీటుగా కూడా పనిచేస్తుంది

సంక్షిప్తంగా, ఆమె తన తల్లిని BMW కి అప్‌గ్రేడ్ చేసినట్లు అయింది ! రవికి చెప్పకుండా శ్వేత తన అమ్మ కోసం ఆర్డరు చేసింది. రెండు రోజుల్లో ఆమె తల్లి వాకిలికి దాకా నడవగలిగింది, ఒక వారంలో – ఆమె పార్కులో ఉంది. ఇవి రవికి తెలియవు.

రెండు నెలల తరువాత, ఒక ఆదివారం రవి తన జె.పి. నగర్ నివాసంలో సరదాగా నెట్‌ఫ్లిక్స్ ఆస్వాదిస్తున్న వేళ, ఎవరో తన ఇంటి తలుపును తట్టారు. తలుపు దగ్గర ఉన్నది ఎవరో కాదు, అతని తల్లి! తన కొడుకును ఆశ్చర్య పరిచేందుకు ఆమె 2000 కిలోమీటర్ల కంటే ఎక్కువ దూరం ప్రయాణించింది. ఆమె చాలా సంతోషంగా మరియు ఆరోగ్యంగా కనిపించింది. "రవి , శ్వేత నాకు BMW ను బహుమతిగా ఇచ్చింది. ఇప్పుడు నేను ఆందోళన చెందుతున్న ఏకైక విషయం ఏమిటంటే, నేను ఎప్పుడు ఆడటానికి మనవడిని పొందుతాను ” అని ఆమె చెప్పడంతో రవి ముఖం ఆనందంతో నిండిపోయింది.

* నిజమైన అనుభవం ఆధారంగా. గోప్యతను కాపాడటానికి పేర్లు మార్చబడ్డాయి.

क्यों स्टेंडर ईज़ी फोल्ड-एन-गो रोलेटर के लिए जाना चाहिए?

सवाल अक्सर पूछा जाता है – जब बाजार में सस्ते विकल्प हैं, तो एक स्टेंडर ईज़ी फोल्ड-एन-गो रोलेटर के लिए अधिक भुगतान क्यों करें। ईज़ी फोल्ड-एन-गो रोलटर विजेता होने के 5 कारण हैं:

EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator

1. सुरक्षा – पहली चीज जो हम वॉकर / रोलेटर में देखते हैं, वह यह है कि उपयोगकर्ता सुरक्षित होना चाहिए। सस्ते उपकरणों में, कुछ महीनों के भीतर 30% से अधिक ब्रेक फेल होने की संभावना है। जबकि यह फिल्मों में अच्छा लगता है, हम नहीं चाहते हैं कि ब्रेक वास्तविक जीवन में हमें तोड़ दे। विमान ग्रेड एल्यूमीनियम से बना, यह हल्का, मजबूत और दुर्घटना-सबूत है!
2. कॉम्पैक्टनेस – जबकि आम रोलेटर चौड़ाई में मोड़ते हैं, स्टेंडर ईज़ी फोल्ड-एन-गो रोलेटर लंबाई और चौड़ाई दोनों में मुड़ता है | जिसका अर्थ है कि मॉल या पार्क की यात्रा के दौरान कार या दोपहिया वाहन में स्टोर करना आसान है । यह भी एयरलाइनों में केबिन सामान के रूप में रखा जा सकता है, जिसका मतलब है कि आपको हवाई जहाज से बाहर ले जाने के लिए किसी का इंतजार करने की जरूरत नहीं है !
3. हल्का वजन – बाजार में अन्य लोकप्रिय रोलेटर की तुलना में स्टेंडर ईज़ी फोल्ड-एन-गो रोलेटर 20% हल्का है, जो स्वतंत्र रूप से संभालना आसान है।
4. सुविधा – रोलटर को केवल एक हाथ से संभाला जा सकता है, इसलिए आप इसे दूर रखते हुए अपनी बातचीत जारी रख सकते हैं। इसमें आपके आवश्यक सामानों को स्टोर करने के लिए आसान पाउच और एक टोकरी भी है, और हाँ – यहां तक ​​कि किराने की खरीदारी भी इसमें रखी जा सकती है!
5. सौंदर्य – रोलेटर का उपयोग आपकी शैली को पूरक करना चाहिए, न कि इसे रोकना। इसलिए, रोलेटर विभिन्न रंगों में आता है। कृपया जाएँ आज एक स्टाइल स्टेटमेंट बनायें!


The question is often asked – why pay more for a Stander EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator when there are cheaper options in the market. There are 5 reasons why the EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator is a winner:
EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator

  1. Safety – Let’s face it. The first thing we look in a walker/ rollator is the user should be safe. In cheaper versions, there is more than 30% chance of brakes failing within a few months. While it makes for good action in movies, we do not want brakes to break us up in real life. Made from aircraft grade aluminium, it is light, sturdy and accident-proof!
  2. Compactness – While common rollators fold across its breadth, the Stander EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator folds across both length and breadth, which means it is easy to store in a car or a two-wheeler while travelling to a park or a mall near you. It can even be used as cabin baggage in airlines, which means no waiting for someone to wheel you off the aeroplane!
  3. Light-Weight – The Stander EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator is 20% lighter than other folding rollators available in the market, which makes it THAT much easier to handle independently.
  4. Convenience – The rollator can be folded with just a hand, so you can continue with your conversation, while putting it away. It also has handy pouches and a basket underneath to store your essentials, and yes – even grocery shopping!
  5. Aesthetics – We at ElderEase believe that using aids should complement your style, not stifle it. Hence, the rollator comes in a variety of colours. Go make a style statement today!

Grandparents – The Unsung Heroes

Vivek* was in a soup. He had just become a father, Sunita*(his wife) and baby were still in hospital, when he received a call. “It’s a life and death

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Service médical à domicile de Medici Generici à Rome

Notre équipe fournit un service de soins de santé à domicile, garantissant professionnalisme et confort pour les patients à Rome.

situation, we need you back at the office” his boss was already wanting him back, while Sunita was recovering from surgery. It was then that he felt a reassuring pat on the back. His mother told him, “Don’t worry son. We will take care of things here. You settle your stuff”. Sounds familiar?

After 3 days, Vivek was back in full swing at office, and after 3 months Sunita was. The reason they could do this was, when they were debating whether to start their family in a corporate setup, Vivek’s mother had told them to go for it, and she was there to support.


In an increasingly nuclear setup, apartment living and general mistrust of people amongst us, in times of emergencies, it is the grandparents who invariably step in and hold it all together. It is a thought we are not used to – say grandparents, and you think of a wrinkled person, sitting on an arm chair. Many memes have been made on this topic too. But the more one thinks about it, the more sense it makes.

  1. Companionship – Grandparents generally crave for companionship, and taking care of infants brings out the child in them. The twinkle in the eye is back, and for a few moments all the pain joints are gone. They have obviously been successful in raising their children and have experience in it.
  2. Experience – One of the hardest things to market in India is baby products, because a parent looks to their parents for recommendations. So, if the grandmother was using a brand for her baby, chances are the grandchild uses it too. In an increasingly nuclear setup, the moment parents want a bit of freedom from their baby, the grandparents are remembered. Grandparents crave for that opportunity.
  3. Trust – With Crime Patrol going overboard in reporting the horrors committed by domestic helps, parents need a trusted somebody to take of kids in their absence. Usually grandparents are the only ones to rise up to the challenge
  4. Expense Management – Hiring a trustworthy nanny costs a bomb, so parents generally look for the granny who also bring unconditional love along with them.

Here’s saluting the unsung heroes in our homes who make sure to be the perfect support cast, while we get along with our lives!

*Names changed for confidentiality

Life Has No Limitations, Except The Ones You Make

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. ~ Les Brown

It is a societal norm, one is expected to let the forces of age take over. You have had your moment in the sun, now let others have theirs. Be confined to your beds. Yes, one could do that.

But as a great man once said,
Life has no limitations
Luckily, there are aids available in India which help to retain our (and our parents’) sense of independence and hence, dignity by letting us be in control of basic movement functions like standing and sitting. Who likes calling a help so that they can make you stand?

Imagine if your parents were home with the maid not around to help, and you had an important meeting , the friendly neighbour would usually step into action. The problem is, What if the friendly neighbour also had an important meeting?

This is where aids come in the frame, and there are some products such as Security Poles or the Easy Stand and Go, which can make basic human functions we take for granted, be taken for granted. Not only are they comfortable to use, their ease of use and installation makes them a fashionable accessory in the living room, bathroom or kitchen. Next time, savour the enjoyment of your parents fixing a snack from the kitchen rather than fear an injury when they call you at work.

#InclusivenessBeginsAtHome #YoungAtHeart

How to Use Home Safety for Old People in India to Enhance Well-being

It is a well-known fact that as people age their ability to move around freely, even within the confines mymedic.es of their own premises, considerably diminishes. One of the main reasons for this is the weakening of muscles and thus impacting the joints too which makes  movement a difficult proposition for the elderly. Keeping this in mind, it is extremely necessary that safety measures are put in place in the form of products for senior citizens. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the ways one can minimize the chances of accidents in the house itself.

Tips to Ensure the Safety of the Elderly

  • Toilet and Bathroom
  1. Install Grab Bars esp. near the commode, shower and towel rack
  2. Avoid keeping floors damp
  3. Have anti slip bath mats in the bathroom
  4. Keep non slip chairs for showering or changing
  5. Have good lighting
  6. Have a raised toilet seat
  7. Set the Thermostat to 48°C (120°F) to avoid scalding
  8. Avoid locking the bathroom door
  9. Avoid slippery tiles
  10. Keep an alarm which is easy to approach in case of emergency


  • Bedroom
  1. Keep flash torch which is easily reachable
  2. Install automatic lights which has motion sensor
  3. Bed should be of a proper height  which will depend on the user’s height. The optimum maximum height allows the person to sit comfortably at the edge of their mattress with their feet flat against the floor.
  4. Install bed rails according to the need of the user – to prevent fall at night or even to use as support to get off the bed
  5. Do not keep bedspreads, bed sheets hanging too long which might entangle with ones feet.
  6. Throw rugs should not be placed on the floor
  7. Wires should not be left loose as it might get entangled resulting in a fall
  8. Closets should be easily accessible
  9. Mattresses should not be soft
  10. An alarm should be in place in case of any emergency
  11. Sturdy chair should be placed for dressing


  • Staircase
  1. Keep staircases well lit.
  2. Handrail should be sturdy
  3. Grab bars should be installed on the landings – the first and last step of the stairs
  4. Steps of the staircase should have GID anti slip tapes.


  • Kitchen
  1. Keep floor clean and uncluttered
  2. Work areas should be well lit
  3. Appliances should have clear markings with “on” and “off”
  4. Sharp knives should be stored carefully
  5. Keep simple bottle openers, can openers handy
  6. Avoid wearing synthetic material or loose garments while cooking
  7. Keep a magnifier handy to check the expiry dates of eatables


  • Common Areas
  1. Lights need to be bright
  2. Ensure no wires are obstructing the walking area
  3. No throw rugs should be placed with edges loose or curling up
  4. Furniture with sharp edges should be replaced or kept Acheter cialis en ligne france

    covered with foam

  5. A support to get up from sofa or chair would be of great help to the elders


  • Outdoors
  1. Avoid walking on uneven paths
  2. Take well lit routes or keep a torch handy
  3. Don’t hesitate to take a walking support such as a walker/ rollator or a walking stick with you.
  4. Carry an alarm along for any emergency


When it comes to making sure that the elderly are safe, one might need to go that extra mile. Assistive aids help make the environment safer for the seniors and prevent avoidable injuries. As the old saying goes , It is better to be safe than be sorry !!  This makes the need for using home safety products for senior citizens in India a necessity.

Choose Walking Sticks Handle That Best Suit You to Maintain Mobility

Planning to buy a new walking stick which perfectly suits you and your needs? Choosing the right walking stick handle can make all the right difference.

When it comes to selecting walking sticks, among other factors, you need to ensure that the walking stick handle you are choosing is best

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Medici Generici servizio di assistenza medica a domicilio Roma

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suited to you. With a wide array of handles to choose from, picking the right one can indeed be a bit difficult. While some are designed for prolonged usage, others can significantly help you with balance. Whatever your needs are, you need to discover walking sticks in India that are ideal for you.

Here’s a handy guide to the various walking sticks you can choose from!

Walking Sticks in India

Few Types of Handles You Can Choose From While Buying Walking Sticks in India

  1. Fritz Hand Grip

Fritz handled walking sticks have an open-ended style, providing your hands and fingers more surface, making it a comfortable grip, especially among people who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism. The unique design of this handle lets you hold the stick with ease, without causing any pain to your fingers or hand.

  1. Custom Fit

If you need a walking stick that caters to your individual needs and reflects your personality, custom fit handles can be your best buy. These walking sticks are available in two varieties like-

  1. Anatomical Palm Grip
    Anatomical handles are ideal for prolonged usage. Being a palm grip, your weight is evenly distributed over your entire palm, reducing the impact on your wrist. This makes the orthopaedic style handle an ideal choice for you, if you suffer with wrist problems, since they fit comfortably in your hand. The anatomical palm grip is available for the left and the right hands separately.
  2. Fischer Palm Grip
    The Fischer Palm Grip is another orthopaedic walking stick handle, which evenly distributes your weight over your palm, reducing the impact on your wrist. They feel like a custom fit for your hand. The fischer handles helps distribute your weight over a large surface area as compared to the anatomical walking stick, making it ideal for persons suffering from extreme hand or wrist problems. The fischer handles are available in a range of models for youto use in either the right or the left hand.
  1. Derby Handle

Derby handles are one of the most popular varieties of walking sticks in India. Its elegant shape and curved design not only make it stylish, but also very functional since it can be hooked onto your hand.

So what are you still thinking of? Quickly approach a dependable store and bring home a walking stick that enhances your quality of life!

Benefits Of Using A Walker For Senior Citizens To Maintain Mobility

Do you have elderly people in your home who are in need of mobility aid? Are you on the lookout for the ideal assistive device which provides your loved one great security? No worries. All you need to do is buy a good walker to ensure that the seniors maintain their standard of living, mobility and carry on with their daily life!

With old age, people often find that they are unable to move as easily and freely as they once did during their young days. Other than the physical weakness, issues such as arthritis, injury and others problems like muscles and joints make it more challenging for the seniors to move and walk. Considering a new walker thus becomes essential since the right assistive device can help elders to get around, both in their homes and out in public.

Here are some benefits walkers can offer a senior citizen!

Walker For Senior Citizens In India: 5 Benefits Of Buying These Assistive Devices

  1. Offer Maximum Support

The greatest benefit a senior can avail by using walkers is that these devices offer maximum support to the user, especially the ones which have a front wheel. Those without wheels are usually carried for walking. Walkers which come with four wheels are now made to have breaks, providing users with a better support. These mobility aids are ideal for elders who love walking long distances.

  1. Light Weighted Devices

Walkers are light weighted assistive devices, often recommended by doctors to elderly people. Their light weight makes them more desirable among seniors who need additional support to perform their daily activities. Leading manufacturers make these devices specifically for the aged people who do not have the physical strength to push heavy mobility aids. The fact that walkers for senior citizens in India are easy to push around, makes them more popular among seniors.

  1. Ease Of Use

Another great benefit of using a walker is their easy usage. The light weightiness of these assistive devices has made them easy for aged to use both indoors and outdoors. The right device helps the user with balance and gives him/her a sense of independence since they know that they can easily get around without even fearing the risk of falling.

  1. Well-Designed Products

Walkers are usually made of amazing designs in various shapes and sizes. The devices come with several layers, providing individuals with the comfort of carrying their own belongings wherever they want. Though these layers cannot bear the capacity of heavy things, one can easily carry the little necessary things which they require in their day-to-day life.

  1. Best For Indoor Use

In addition to the light-weightiness of the walker which makes it easy for seniors to move around, the great wheels aid the user in moving around swiftly without any delays. Taller people can even make the most of this assistive device by adjusting its height as per their convenience. This makes walkers ideal for seniors with every height.

So what are you still waiting for? Find a leading manufacturer and bring home the best walker for your loved one!

Few Points To Consider When Buying Walkers For Senior Citizens

With an increase in the number of senior citizens, the need of products useful to the age group is also increasing. Considering seniors have a constant risk of falling, a good walker is a very helpful assistive aid, which ensures they are active and get adequate exercise. With many companies offering the product, you need to identify a walker which is safe, steady and easy to use. Compromising on the quality of the walker is not advisable. Buying the ideal walker can make your life simpler than you think!

Buying Walkers?

Few Points You Need To Keep In Mind 

  • Sturdiness

The most important feature in a walker is that it should be strong and stable as at times it may have to withhold the whole weight of the user. This would prevent risk of injury to the senior citizens/elders using the assistive walking aid. Sturdiness of a walker comes from the design and the material used for making it. Eg. Walkers made out of aircraft grade aluminium or high grade alloy are both light and strong.

  • Specialized Walkers

Adults who have suffer from neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, ataxia, PSP or balance disorders require some movement throughout the day to ensure their condition does not worsen. A specialized walker (U Step II Walker) is recommended for such cases.U Step II Walker

  • Height

The height of the adult walker is a very important feature. One must opt for a model whose height is just right or has a feature where the height is adjustable. Using a walker with a wrong height not only makes the user uncomfortable but can lead to improper posture. The ideal height of the walker can be seen by standing straight with arms hanging loosely on the side and measuring the distance from floor to the crease of user’s wrist. While holding the handle of the walker a slight bend (15 degrees) is an ideal height.

  • Weight

A light weight walker makes it easier for a senior to handle. Therefore the walker should be light but at the same time the load bearing capacity should be 10% more than the user’s body weight.

  • Wheels

Walkers with two wheels are ideal for senior citizens who require moving around a lot. Those who prefer moving at a slow pace should opt for stationary wheels (wheels which do not swivel and have restricted movement). The wheels need to be on the front legs. The glides on the back legs makes it easy to move in a controlled yet smooth pace. For active seniors walkers with four large wheels or rollators would be ideal. It is necessary to choose a safe walker so that the risk of falling is minimized.

Walkers for Senior Citizens

  • Folding

A foldable walker is easy to transport especially while travelling. It also occupies lesser space for storage when not in use. Two important things

Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio

Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio

to be kept in mind while selecting a foldable walker are:

  1. It should be easy to fold preferably without assistance
  2. When unfolded it should stand firmly and not tend to collapse
  • Seat

Not every buyer visiting a shop or online site for buying Senior Citizen Products is aware of the fact that there are a few walkers where a comfortable seat is attached. Senior citizens tend to get tired easily so having a seat where they can stop and rest is always an added advantage.

  • Storage Space

Choose a walker having a storage basket or pouch which is helpful in carrying ones essentials like water bottle, phone etc.

This being said, make sure to consider all the points stated above while buying walkers for senior citizens.

Symbol of Authority, Dignity and Class! Depend on Your Walking Stick, Not on Other People

walking-sticks-blogBalance is the key component for the locomotor system to perform daily activities. It is the combination of gravity, the musculoskeletal and neuronal systems that makes our posture such that the body balances without external assistance. This is the reason why we are able to perform our daily activities independently.

Even in a healthy body there is physiological decline with age. The reflex time increases and balancing one’s own body becomes a challenge for an elderly person. This increase in physical instability also increases the risk of falling.

An external support for seniors can often increase sensory input and in turn ones confidence encouraging a person to move out rather than be confined to home. A walking stick is the most preferred walking aid, because it is easy to use, accepted by the society and is used to improve postural stability and to decrease the load on the weak side of the lower extremities.
It is seen that people initially are skeptical in appearing in public with a walking stick. I often compare it to wearing spectacles for the first time. I still remember how ashamed I had felt when I wore spectacles for the first time in public. Well, when our eye sight is weak we do take help of eye glasses to see. Similarly when our muscles are weak why do we feel shy to carry a walking stick? Why do we resort to walking stick or a walker only after some adverse incident – like a fall happens. Is it not better to avoid that situation?

A walking stick should meet the user’s specific needs. If the stick is required to bear weight, a carbon-fiber or aluminium model may be the most appropriate as they are light as well as strong. A folding stick folds very quickly and safely holds in a pocket or handbag. People who are suffering with immobility can also use walkers and should stay as active as possible. ElderEase aims to make the elders independent and expect more with ease.

There are 4 parts to a Walking Stick

  • Handle The handle of a cane is extremely important while choosing a walking stick. It should be comfortable to hold and the load of the body should be transmitted from the hand to the shaft
  • Shaft The shaft of the cane transmits the load from the handle to the ferrule. One carries his own walking stick therefore the weight along with the strength is the key feature to look for in the shaft of the walking stick. It may be made from carbon fibre, metal composites, or traditional wood. If one is heavy he/she particularly needs to pay heed to the load bearing capacity of the stick.
  • Ferrule The tip of a cane is known as the ferrule. The tip must be made of anti skid material. There are many kinds of ferrule and one needs to choose it according to one’s condition. For a simple support a simple ferrule does the job. But one needs to check the tip from time to time for excessive wear and tear.
  • Collar The collar of a cane joins the shaft to the handle. To hide the joint some decorative piece can be added there. A strap is also here which is worn around the wrist while carrying the walking stick to ensure the stick does not fall down.

Statistics show that people look for aesthetics rather than functionality in a walking stick. It is a jewelry piece for many while for others it is a symbol of authority and dignity. As the saying goes, “The best, the most exquisite automobile is a walking stick and one of the finest things in life is going on a journey with it”.